Musings from a former United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant about the Corps, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

02 September 2006

Some more about me

I have found that it is sometimes good to know something about the owner of a blog such as mine. I am a mid-west boy the grew up in the Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois states for a good part of my life, until I was 18 years old. After that the Marine Corps took over and had me for the next 13 years or so. After 10 years living in Chicago, doing private security management and my dream job, at the time, working for the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field for four seasons. No I live down here in the south, the birth state of my Marine Corps training, South Carolina. I began working as a Police Officer with a local University of 2 1/2 years until I left to become a Police Officer in a local city where I am located now. I love my job, even if I finally took it on full time in my mid forties.

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