Musings from a former United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant about the Corps, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

15 September 2006

Company C, Marine Security Guard Battalion January-April 1975

From the ehistory website.

CO Maj James H Kean lJan75-30Apr75

ExO Capt Robert C Lewis IJan75-30Apr75

PersCh SSgt William J Miller !Jan75-30Apr75

MSG Detachment Saigon, RVN Personnel Roster lJan75-30Ap(75

Cpl Stephen Q Bauer

Cpl Manuel A Bispo

Cpl John L Ghilam

Cpl Ronald A Mayfield

Cpl Charles McMahon, Jr

Cpl Roberr E Mondo

Cpl Joe B Myes,Jr

Cpl David E Norman

Cpl Francis J Richard

Cpl Carlos Silva

Cpl Randy C Smith

MSgtJuanJ Vatdez

GySgt Vasco D Martin

SSgr Cohn D Broussard

SSgrJamesJ Daisey

SSgt demon S Scgura, Jr

SSgt Michael K Sullivan

Sgt Phillip A Babel

Sgt Terry J Bennmgton

Sgt MarnnJ Davenport

Sgt Roberr L Pram

Sgt Kenneth Geagley, Jr

Sgt Duane R Gevers

Sgt Paul J Go2git

Sgt Gregory E Hargis

Sgt Steven E Johnson

Sgt David M Leet

Sgt Kevin M Maloney

Sgt Dwight G McDonald

Sgt Gary L Mellmger

Sgt Hclstead G Murray III

Sgt William C Newell

Sgr Donald R Nicholas

Sgr Richard G Paddock

Sgt Douglas D Pocrat?

Sgr David Rose

Sgt Steven T Schuller

Sgt Andre Stringer

Cpl Joseph F Arata

LCpl Larry E Beachy

LCpl Eric D Boyd

LCpl Thomas E Cole

LCpl Timothy B Creighton

LCpl Kenneth E Grouse

LCpl Thomas K Dickson

LCpl Douglas G Drummond

LCpl Clyde E English, Jr

LCpl William K Fulton

LCpl Oils L Holmes

LCpl Darwin D Judge

LCpl Dennis R Serbus

LCpl Patrick F Short

LCpl John C Stewart

LCpl S K Stratton

LCpl Walter M Sweeny

LCpl Jerome Thomas

LCpl James V Vaincourt

LCpl David B Wiflae

MSG Detachment Bien Hoa RVN Personnel Roster lJan75-27Apr75

GySgt Roberr W Schlager Cpl Carlos R Arraigna

Sgt Ronald E Duffy Cpl Gary N Lmdholm

Sgt James M Fclber LCpl Dean M Kmzie

MSG Detachment Can Tho RVN Personnel Roster lJan75-50Apr75

SSgt Boyette S Hasty Sgt Terry D Pate

Sgt John W Kirchner Cpl Lee J Johnson

Sgt John S Moore Cpl Lawrence B Killens

MSG Detachment Da Nang RVN Personnel Roster lJan75-30Mar75

SSgt Walter W Sparks Sgt William S Spruce III

Sgt Lazaro Arriola Cpl Ronald W Anderson

Sgt Venoy L Rogers Cpl Leonard A Forseth

MSG Detachment Nha Trang RVN Personnel Roster lJfan75-23Apr75

SSgt Roger F Painter Cpl Levorn L Brown

Sgt Michael A McCormick Cpl John G Moya

Cpl Robert L Anderson CplJimmieD Sneed

MSG Phnom Penh Cambodia Personnel Roster lJan75-12Apr75

GySgt Clarence D McClenahan Sgt Maxie C Wix**

SSgt Gilbert J Feest* Cpl James D Cox

Sgt Kenneth E Armstrong Cpl Allan W Mitchell

Sgt Robert L Clark** Cpl David L Ragland

Sgt Russell H Cutler Cpl Victor Sajka****

Sgt Many L Gray LCpl Alien J Becker

Sgt James W Shunleff*** LCpl Ronald C C Dumosch

Sgt Ralph V Simpson, Jr LCpl Phillip D Ku-syth

Sgt Gary Stanton LCpl Michael G Miciotto

*Augmented from the Taipei Detachment **Augmented from the Seoul Detachment ***Augmentedfrom the Bangkok Detachment ****Augmente€{ from the Hong Kong Detachment

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