Musings from a former United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant about the Corps, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

31 August 2006

Marine Embassy Guard Duty

As a former Marine Embassy Guard, I hold this duty very close to my heart. It was THE best duty, bar none, I had the privilage of being selected for.

The Marine Security Guard Battalion, now known as The Marine Corps Embassy Security Command, mission is to exercise command, less operational control of the Marine Security Guards, in that it is responsible for their training, assignments, administration, logistical support, and discipline.

The Marine Security Guards primary mission is to provide internal security services at designated U.S. Diplomatic and Consular facilities to prevent the compromise of classified information and equipment vital to the national security of the United States of America. The secondary mission of Marine Security Guards is to provide protection for U.S. citizens and U.S. Government property located within designated U.S. Diplomatic and Consular premises during exigent circumstances, which require immediate aid or action.

(* Mission is the general term for embassy, consulate or legation; commonly referred to as a "post".*)

MSGs focus on the interior security of a diplomatic post's building(s). In only the most extreme emergency situations are they authorized duties exterior to the building(s) or to provide special protection to the senior diplomatic officer off of the diplomatic compound. MSGs carry a certain level of diplomatic immunity in the performance of their official duties.

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