Musings from a former United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant about the Corps, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

05 October 2006

This Week in Marine Corps History (09/29 - 05/06)

29 September 1950: PFC Stanley R. Christianson gave his life in a one-man stand against a ferocious attack which threatened to destroy his platoon in Korea. For his heroism, Christianson was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

30 September 1942: Admiral Nimitz made an emergency landing at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal. Nimitz made the most of the opportunity, visiting the front lines, talking to a number of Marines and reaffirmed to General Vandegrift that his overriding mission was to hold the airfield.

1 October 1931: Major General Smedley Butler, twice awarded the Medal of Honor, retired upon his own application after completion of 33 years service in the Marine Corps.

2 October 1923: Birthday of CWO 4 Hershel Williams a career Marine who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his outstanding heroism in the Battle of Iwo Jima.

3 October 1903: Maj. General George Elliot became the 10th Commandant of the Marine Corps.

4 October 1918 : SGT Matej Kocak, who earned the Army and Navy Medals of Honor for "heroism above and beyond the call of duty" in action against the enemy on 18 July 1918, was killed in action by enemy gunfire in the Battle of Blanc Mont Ridge, France.

5 October 1974: First Lieutenant Robert G. Robinson, who earned the Medal of Honor as a pilot in World War I, passed away at the age of 79.

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